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Eau de Parfum 100 ml 

White flowers, and green tea 

If you like defiant looks that are also invitations, Pleine Lune is for you. Tuberose, a wild and sensual flower, is accompanied here by matcha tea and an innocent bergamot. Velvety and seductive, Pleine Lune was created to fascinate. 


Top notes 
Bergamot, mate, matcha, pink pepper 

Heart notes 
Tuberose, neroli, orange blossom, jasmine 

Bottom notes 
Benzoin, tonka bean, sandalwood, cedarwood 

The perfume is composed of 95% natural ingredients. It has been formulated with your skin in mind. 

The formula is short: it contains 39 ingredients. A classic perfume can contain up to 300 ingredients, while only mentioning its potentially allergenic ingredients on its label (usually less than 10). 

Each of her raw materials was chosen by her perfumer Anne Flipo.

Pleine Lune 100 ml | BASTILLE

SKU: 3770015491281

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