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Essential Parfums 
The Musc 
Eau de Parfum 150 ml Refill 


Enchanting - Floral - Warm 


By Calice Becker 


“I imagined this fragrance as a cloud of enveloping and comforting musk. A delicious musk blended with red ginger, lavender, a radiant floral heart, and soft, woody tones of a sublime sandalwood album from Australia." 


At once fresh, honeyed, and warm, The Musc is a subtle blend of captivating scents. It opens with red ginger from Laos and natural lavandin grosso from France. Natural and sustainable beeswax brings a creamy sweetness to the heart, paired with a pure note of Nirvanolide musk. Australia’s natural sandalwood punctuates the blend with warm, woody tones. 


Replanted 20 years ago, Australia’s Sandalwood Album provides Aboriginal communities with protection and sustainability for their land. 


Ethical sourcing Reg Ginger from Laos implementing a polycultural approach and natural Lavandin grosso from France. Beeswax also from Laos allowed 2 secondary schools to be built and limit rural exodus. Australian Sandalwood promoting a sustainable supply of sandalwood oil that is harvested by Aboriginal communities in the southern part of Western Australia. A duo of sythetic musk (Nirvanolide and Serenolide, exclusive captif from Givaudan) offering fresh, creamy notes as well as long-lastingness, with a touch of sweet facet. 



Red ginger, beeswax, sandal, musk, lavandin 


Only compatible with 100 ml Eau de Parfum with “refillable” mentioned on the packaging. The previous version has a pump that can not be unscrewed. 10 ml can not be refilled.

The Musc 150 ml Refill | Essential Parfums

SKU: 3770010614692

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