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Astrophil and Stella 
Shanghai 1930 
Extrait de Parfum 50 ml 
Shanghai the mysterious, 
Shanghai the romantic, 
Shanghai the inscrutable; 
And, above all else, Shanghai the improbable. 
In the early 30’s shanghai was a city like no other. 
A melting pot of cultures, ethnicities, individuals, politics. British spies, soviet agents, rich tycoons, journalists, revolutionaries and intellectuals. 
Shanghai in the 30’s was an extraordinary city at an unusual time. 
A powerful and distinctive floral oriental fragrance with deep, heady and suave notes. 
The top note is characterized by a fresh green earl grey tea accord which marries perfectly with the narcotic elegant tuberose having itself a sweet oriental dry down. 
The background is mystical and somehow fine powdery with typical oriental ingredients, supported by an elegant musky accord which gives the scent a long lasting character and sensuality. 
Top notes 
Bergamot, Green Tea, Plum, Mango, Cinnamon, Violet Leaves 
Heart notes 
Tuberose, Champaca, Jasmin Sambac, Magnolia, Ylang Ylang, Orchid 
Base notes 
Sandalwood, Myrhh, White Musk, Tonka, Vanilla 

Shanghai 1930 50 ml | Astrophil and Stella

SKU: 8055002151474

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