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Rosendo Mateu

No. 5 Floral - Amber - Sensual Musk

Eau de Parfum 100 ml


Rosendo Mateu 5 is an exotic floral oriental fragrance, spicy, carnation and lily of the valley flower combination. Base notes are vanilla, sensual amber musk with a fresh oriental style.


It is an exotic and different flower that does not exist in nature, like a dream in a fragrance.


A fragrance with a fresh floral top note based on lily of the valley (Muguet), a natural springtime sensation, combined with spicy notes and the quality of saffron notes that matches perfectly to the skin.


Middle notes with an exotic floral oriental fragrance, spicy, carnation and lily of the valley flower combination.


Base notes are vanilla, sensual amber musk, with a fresh oriental style.


Its character and personality is given by its velvety note of amber and the sensual note of white musk.


Oriental style and fixation, which gives great persistence on the skin, diffusion and power with vanilla, tonka beans and a gustatory touch of strawberry.


Different, very attractive fragrance of great richness and very recognisable for its original and direct expression.

No. 5 Floral - Amber - Sensual Musk 100 ml | Rosendo Mateu

SKU: 8436018276205

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