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James HEELEY Parfums

Rose Aria

Extrait de Parfum 100 ml 


A delicate air of optimism


“I have always adored the delicate scent of a garden rose - the indelible beauty of its scent infused with subtle hues of green and fresh air - one of nature's greatest gifts”.


Rose Aria was created with this image in mind - light and airy opening notes of dew-laden Rose Centifolia are accompanied by gentle shades of green almost reminiscent of fresh green apple.


The sillage of Rose Aria has been composed over notes of musk and amber that elevate the delicate layers of rose, that once air-born leave behind an exquisite trail of scent and secret admirers. Like music that can be measured by the vibration of audible sound waves, a perfume is often measured by its sillage’, the trail of scent that the wearer leaves behind 'en passant. It is therefore becoming that the greater the sillage, the more exquisite a perfume must be.


Top notes
Green leaves, galbanum
Heart notes
Rose Centifolia
Base notes
Amber, musk, saffron, sandalwood

Rose Aria 100 ml | HEELEY Parfums

SKU: 3700490501243
190,00 €Cena

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