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Eau de Parfum 50 ml 


“ROSARINE, meaning “queen of roses” in Thai, encompasses the rose plant’s green and earthy nuances, while focusing on its glorious -sweet, fruity and spicy- floralcy. The fragrance is a token of the first day I visited the majestic Parc de Bagatelle in Paris; there, sitting among the thousands of roses, I promised myself to follow my heart’s desire: become a perfumer.” - Pissara Umavijani 

On my lips "leaving" 
is love, 
a thousandfold 
from the outworn heart. 
- Montri Umavijani 
In the opening, 
a spice-sprinkled Bulgarian Rose 
is surrounded by delightful notes of just-ripened Raspberry, 
thirst-quenching Lychee, and nectarous Bergamot. 
In the heart, 
the iconic May Rose from Grasse blooms 
embellished by soulful Orris Butter, 
intense Jasmine Sambac, mystical Incense, 
smoky Amyris Wood, and musky Ambrette. 
In the base, 
an exclusive Gourmand Patchouli Accord reigns: 
earthy, chocolatey and a little spicy, 
it includes Patchouli, Vetiver, Sandalwood, 
Vanilla, Cocoa, and Benzoin. 

Rosarine 50 ml | DUSITA

SKU: 3770014241955

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