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Atelier Des Ors 
Eau de Parfum 100 ml 


Promo code: Des Ors
A golden, aromatic fragrance, sun-kissed with the glow of citrus 
Riviera Sunrise revels in the golden light of the Mediterranean sun. The warm rays glimmer on aged orange treetops and merge with azure tinted waves in a scented dance. 
A bold opening combines the zesty pulp of lemon, mandarin and orange with the aromatic freshness of basil. The sparkling layers of citrus play a duet with the joyful synergy of orange blossom and fig leaf, harmonising with the faceted woody notes of vetiver and cedarwood. 
Riviera Sunrise expresses an atmosphere that oscillates between the meditative morning calm and bursts of radiant solar energy. 
Marie Salamagne wanted to capture and transform the beauty of these fleeting moments of happiness as an ode to the indescribable charm of the French Riviera. 
A scent with an orange, golden glow kissed by childhood memories.


Top notes 
Lemon, mandarin, orange 
Heart notes 
Fig leaves, basil, orange blossom 
Base notes 
Vetiver, cedarwood, musk 

Riviera Sunrise 100 ml | Atelier Des Ors

SKU: 3760027140932

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