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Atelier Des Ors 

Riviera Drive 

Eau de Parfum 100 ml 


An evocative aromatic, woody fragrance 


The mythical scenic drive along the coastline of the French Riviera, so vividly captured in Hitchcock’s To Catch A Thief, starring Grace Kelly and Cary Grant, is the inspiration for Rivera Drive. 


The long and winding roads and expansive sea views on the Côte d’Azur are enhanced by the natural beauty of the vista. Warm air signals escapism and the scent of pure freedom. 


Riviera Drive captures these moments with a reviving scent of fresh herbs and a squeeze of lemon highlighting the coastline’s panoramic charm. An adventurous spirit and the aromatic scent of the sheltering Pin Parasol enfold while the spiritual virtues of patchouli amplify the intensity. 


An exhilarating experience and a scent to remember. 


Top notes 
Lemon, Marjoram, Rosemary 
Heart notes 
Cedar Leaf, Absinthe, Patchouli 
Base notes 
Cashmeran, Cedar, Musk 

Riviera Drive 100 ml | Atelier Des Ors

SKU: 3760027140482

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