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Eau de Parfum 50 ml 

Basil, immortelle, and aniseed 

Rayon Vert evokes a wild spring, an explosion of sunny life. Citrus fruits mingle with unexpected green notes of basil, aniseed and fennel. It's the wind of freedom you've been waiting for since 2020! 

Top notes 
Basil, anise seed, blackcurrant bud, neroli 
Heart notes 
Angelica, caraway, fennel, chamomile 
Base notes 
Immortelle, sandalwood, cedar 

The perfume is 95% natural ingredients. It has been formulated to respect your skin. 

The formula is short: it contains 36 ingredients. A classic perfume can contain up to 300 ingredients, while only mentioning its potentially allergenic ingredients on the label (usually less than 10). 

Each of its raw materials has been chosen by its perfumer Caroline Dumur.

Rayon Vert 50 ml | BASTILLE

SKU: 3770015491175

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