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Poivre Pomelo 
Eau de Parfum 10 ml 
« Poivre Pomelo suggests a polychromatic landscape, with bright and luminous shades. An olfactory composition inspired by a David Hockney painting, Portrait of an Artist. » - Véronique Le Bihan 
A fresh, vibrant and luminous citrus trail, carried by Timut pepper. 
An unusual freshness, carried by the Timut pepper. 
Handpicked throughout the warmest valleys of the Himalayas, the Timut pepper is a rare berry with surprising grapefruit accents and long-lasting freshness. 
Here, the Perfumer Marie Hugentobler works on the spicy and sparkling side of the pepper. She enhances the grapefruit notes and sets them on a textured background of vetiver and maté. 
POIVRE POMELO leaves a fresh, vibrant and long-lasting trail. 
Perfumer: Marie Hugentobler 
Top notes 
Timut pepper, grapefruit, pink peppercorn 
Heart notes 
Angelica, peony, osmanthus 
Base notes 
Cedar, cetiver, maté 
Unisex fragrance. Made in France. 

Poivre Pomelo 10 ml | Atelier Materi

SKU: 3770014326355

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