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Atelier Des Ors 
Nuda Veritas 
Extrait de Parfum 100 ml 
Facing truth 
Draped in white 
Delicate flowers 
A quest, a hope 
Golden light, 
Purity, simplicity 
The Nuda Veritas Extrait is a special edition that enhances all of the features of the original and much loved fragrance. 
This Extrait version is blended at a 30% concentration that ensures a more unique experience. 
Expect a fragrance that is full of hope with textured layers of delicate jasmine and osmanthus. A scent that radiates golden light and a sheen of ethereal whiteness. Intense purity and truth on the quest for happiness. 
Top notes 
Bergamot, transluzone, orange flower petals 
Heart notes 
Sambac jasmine, osmanthus, patchouli 
Base notes 
Tagetes, ambroxan, moss 

Nuda Veritas Extrait 100 ml | Atelier Des Ors

SKU: 3760027140765
325,00 €Cena

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