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Atelier Des Ors 
Eau de Parfum 100 ml 


Promo code: Des Ors


NOIR BY NIGHT is a juxtaposition of textures and flavours, that offers a unique experience between freedom and sensuality. The fragrance brings confidence and elegance to the fore with a bold expression of silken caviar and rich woods.


An elegantly intense opening of incense and dusky coriander drapes the evening shadows. As the night falls, a molecular explosion releases the power of unexpected scents. The sleek combination of gaiacwood and sandalwood infused with amber notes offers a luminous warmth with subtle nuances.


”A Bold, Suave Fragrance Infused with Precious Woods and Silky Caviar” 


Frivolité Collection. 


Top notes 
Coriander Incense 
Heart notes 
Caviar NaturePrint®, Dreamwood™, Maté absolute, Gaiacwood 
Base notes 
Sandalwood, Cashmeran

Noir By Night 100 ml | Atelier Des Ors

SKU: 3760027140963

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