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Astrophil and Stella 
Extrait de Parfum 50 ml 
Also known as “The people’s poetry” and “Bedouin poetry”, Nabati has a long heritage. Nabati is the vernacular Arabic poetry that stems from the Arabic dialects of the Arabian peninsula. 
“In the darkness, among the undulating dunes, illuminated by the carpet of stars that adorned the sky with a milky light, a fire crackled, cutting the silence of the desert. The flame danced sinuously, inviting the celestial bodies to descend and join in its shimmering dance. The fallen comet thus called to the other stars that were dazzlingly spinning in a sublime luminous cascade, lighting up the night” 
A smoke fragrance, dry and woody, composed of a refined texture that opens with an exotic head of cardamom and saffron, enriched by precious notes of davana and amber, with hints of sea salt. The heart of water chord and Moroccan rose, enveloped by an infusion of cedar and iris, sits harmoniously on the amber base of patchouli, vetiver, and cedarwood that shares its delicate scents of vanilla, oud, and leather. 
Perfumer: Conceived in Dubai by Christian Provenzano 
Top notes 
Cardamom, saffron, davana, ambrette, sea salt, rum 
Heart notes 
Cedriris fusion, Moroccan rose, aquatic accord 
Base notes 

Patchouli, cedarwood, vetiver, moss, cistus labdanum, leather, oud, ambre crystal, vanilla

Nabati 50 ml | Astrophil and Stella

SKU: 8055002159463

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