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Marc-Antoine Barrois

N°6 rue de Budapest à Paris

Candle 220g


With this scented candle, perfumer Quentin Bisch and Marc-Antoine Barrois have taken up a new challenge, that of creating the olfactory atmosphere of the Maison de Couture, N°6 rue de Budapest in Paris. Combining refinement and conviviality, N°6 offers subtle fruity and spicy nuances, a vibrant amber accord, and the elegance of wood and leather scents….


N°6 rue de Budapest à Paris


After a perfume, a candle is a way of daily living a smell: entering a room, closing eyes, and slowly inhaling it for the pleasure of it. With this candle N°6, as number 6 rue de Budapest in Paris, Marc-Antoine Barrois has wished to fill his Maison de Couture with the olfactory memories of his childhood: Memories of a large house where the elegance of his grandfather prevailed in the leather smell of a precious attaché-case or other bags. The warm atmosphere of an afternoon spent with his family in the living room beside the fireplace, with some delicate scents here and there coming out of the kitchen where an afternoon snack was being prepared.


To fill with the smell of authenticity and refinement the whole Maison de Couture MARC-ANTOINE BARROIS, located at N°6 rue de Budapest in Paris, perfumer Quentin Bisch immersed himself in the universe of the couturier once more. That way he worked around the same leathery, woody, and spicy frame, adding up amber scents and smoothing it with smoky notes to create a scented candle which shows his taste for refined materials. This candle has this generous complexity of woven leather warming up to the heat of balms, a signature where patchouli takes on the sensual refinery of amber to enhance the muted appeal of MARC-ANTOINE BARROIS’s boutique. A leathery atmosphere, that is at the same time thick and enveloping and made even by the golden lights of cistus-labdanum. A comfortable scent, that is shimmering and twisted with the spicy notes of cumin and saffron. There is also a fruity hint, tasting like peach and plum which lights up this harmony of amber and wood in which sandalwood and patchouli scents unite.


The notes of this scented candle are, in the head : plum and cumin; in the heart: Cistus absolute; in the background storax, leather accord, sandalwood, patchouli, and white musk.


For our candles, we have chosen a wax 60% natural and 40% mineral, palm oil and GM free, so we take advantage of both waxes : natural one returns more fragrance when cold and mineral one when hot. Also this mix reduces a lot soot emissions. Last, coton wicks have been sized so it allows a regular burning of the candle.


The fragrances of the Maison MARC-ANTOINE BARROIS are the result of the meeting of two young designers. One is a couturier, the other a perfumer. Their childhood memories brought them together. Remembering captivating smells; of the leather from an elegant attaché case or an immaculate desk blotter; of the distinct smells of wood during the regular gather-ring of fuel to warm the family home. The artistic skills of the former and the olfactory talent of the latter together sparked the magic of these beautiful fragrances.


The perfumes and candles are made in France.

N°6 Candle | Marc-Antoine Barrois

SKU: 3770006409103

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