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Astrophil and Stella 
Moonage Daydream 
Extrait de Parfum 50 ml 
An incandescent arabesque lit up the sky with a bright flash, overturning in a clearing. Astrophil rushed there, enchanted by the splendour that illuminated the night with the flare of daylight. Like in a dream, a dazzling beauty stared at him with an electric gaze. He rubbed his eyes, and, reopening them, only a scent remained, suggesting her name to him: Stella. 


Elegant and sophisticated, citrusy and aromatic. As for every self-respecting gentleman, his true essence lies in the heart, Egyptian geranium, amber, patchouli and blackcurrant enhance this creation which rests on sandalwood, oakmoss and tonka. 
Perfumer: Conceived in Barcelona by Chris Maurice 
Top notes 
Bulgarian lavender, galbanum, grapefruit, neroli from Calabria 
Heart notes 
Amber, black currant, geranium from Egypt, patchouly from Indonesia 
Base notes 
Musk, oakmoss, sandalwood, tonka bean 

Moonage Daydream 50 ml | Astrophil and Stella

SKU: 8055002154062

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