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Le Sillage Blanc 

Eau de Parfum 50 ml 


Le Sillage Blanc is a fresh green chypre that smells like the first morning of the world. The dew of water on the grass, the warm light spreading on the earth. 


Olfactive Notes 
The Opening, 
A calming, living-in–the-moment fragrance of bitter-sweet Orange Blossom & Neroli, gently warmed by the mystical essence of Ylang Ylang. 


At the Heart, 
The original, “masculine” accord of English Leather balanced by a floral touch of Artemisia 
and a hint of green freshness from Persian Galbanum. 


The Base Notes, 
An uplifting dry down enhanced by the muskiness of rare Indian Ambrette Seed, and green, woody notes from Oakmoss Absolute and Patchouli. 


Made in France

Le Sillage Blanc 50 ml | DUSITA

SKU: 3770006489051
150,00 €Cena

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