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Atelier Des Ors 

Larmes Du Desert 

Eau de Parfum 100 ml 


A mystical woods, amber, and incense fragrance 


Larmes Du Désert reflects the tradition of perfumes in the Middle East with the use of amber and incense. It pays homage to the ancient incense trade routes and the birthplace of perfumery. 


Gold and incense confer a divine ascendance to this beautifully crafted and resounding fragrance. 


A spiritual captivating nectar blending the sensuality of noble amber and precious woods with the mysterious spiciness of incense. 


Top notes 

Incense, Cypress, Guaiac Wood 

Heart notes 

Patchouli, Cedar Wood, Benzoin 

Base notes 

Cistus labdanum, Precious Woods, Amber 

Larmes Du Desert 100 ml | Atelier Des Ors

SKU: 3760027140017

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