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Etat Libre d'Orange 
Jasmin et Cigarette 
Eau de Parfum 100 ml 
Floral, Spicy 
Jasmin et Cigarette is the smell of a woman’s skin when she exposes her freshness to the dark seduction of night. A hazy atmosphere. 
It is the era of the grand studios when Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich magnetized men with a Hollywood look in the eye, smoking a cigarette in a smoky black and white ambiance. 
Jasmin et Cigarette is the smell of a woman’s skin when she exposes her freshness to the dark seduction of night. A hazy atmosphere. The reminder of a fantasy, of an indelible trail she leaves on a dress at the break of day or in the intimate memory of the man who made love to her. It is elegance seen by Gainsbourg, the woman from the 80’s who smokes Gitane cigarettes and wears jeans and who, with astounding naturalness, claims her sensuality as a right. 
Transparency in sophistication, just a trace of jasmine mingled with the so far neglected smell of a cigarette. Jasmin et Cigarette is the twilight zone, the banned, the addiction. She is an icon, the longed-for woman. 


Perfumer: Antoine Maisondieu 
Top notes 
Galbanum, Sage Orpur® 
Heart notes 
Jasmine Absolute, Curcuma 
Base notes 
Tonka Beans, Mate

Jasmin et Cigarette 100 ml | Etat Libre d'Orange

SKU: 3760168590214
150,00€ Běžná cena
99,00€Cena po slevě

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