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Eau de Parfum 100 ml


Perfumer: Marie Hugentobler


A perfect accord expressing the sensual and comfortable facets of the iris.

The roots of the iris plant are peeled by hand, washed, air-dried, and ultimately, after a long period of storage, distilled. It takes over six years to produce the absolute, which makes iris one of the most precious raw materials in perfumery. Its delicate and powdery fragrance evokes nuances of violet, mimosa, and carrot with buttery and woody accents.

Here, the perfumer Marie Hugentobler chooses an exceptional natural iris from the dry valley of the Atlas.

In IRIS EBÈNE, she creates a contrasted composition where the iris reveals its dark and sensual side, blended with woods, balsams, and musks.

A gentle and textured leather slowly unfolds, leaving an addictive trail, as comfortable as a cashmere sweater.



Top: Red Mandarin, Petitgrain Mandarin, Allspice
Heart: Peppercorn, Iris, Suede
Base: Balsam of Peru, Sandalwood, Leather Musk


Iris Ebene 100 ml | Atelier Materi

SKU: 3770014326218

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