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Astrophil and Stella 
Into the Oud 
Extrait de Parfum 50 ml 
Astrophil listened to the drops falling in the woods, canceling out the distance with the heavens hidden between the branches. Stella’s voice, the star of his desire, whispered to him, delicate words through the rain, and, inspired by that enchantment, he etched them onto the wet barks to evoke her presence. 
A spicy and citrusy cocktail envelops a sweet and silky heart of toffee and davana, embellished with sumptuous notes of oud, amber and oakmoss. 
Perfumer: Marseille by Bertrand Duchaufour 
Top notes 
Orange, pepper, rhum 
Heart notes 
Davana, saffron, toffee 
Base notes 
Amber, oakmoss, oud 

Into the Oud 50 ml | Astrophil and Stella

SKU: 8055002150194
145,00 €Cena

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