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Rosendo Mateu 
Parfum 5 ml 


A sensual fragrance with a very sophisticated incense, and spicy and oriental notes. 


The top notes perfectly combine spicy and fresh incense notes, with a molecularly distilled incense heart, natural bergamot from Italy, cardamom, Madagascar cloves, and Ceylan cinnamon. 

The middle notes of this fragrance continue with album sandalwood, patchouli leaves, and rosewood from Brasil. 

The base notes are a blending of incense resins and tonka beans, with amber, labdanum notes, oriental vanilla absolute from Madagascar, and white musk. 

This composition remains on the skin attractive, sensual, and with a lot of character.

The fragrance is with a high concentration of 25% and is created with carefully selected raw materials around the world. 
Italian Bergamot, Pamplemousses, Ceylan Cinnamon, Cardamom, Safran, Jasmin, Bulgarian Rose, Iris, Natural Oud, Guaiac Wood, Cedar Amber, Cedarwood, Santal Wood, Patchouli, Amber, Vanilla Italian Bergamot, Cardamom, Cloves, Ceylan Cinnamon, Patchouli Leaves, Ceylan Santal, Rosewood, Incense Heart, Tonka Beans, Amber, Labdanum, Vanilla, Musk

INCENSE WOOD 5 ml | Rosendo Mateu

SKU: 8436018276502

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