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Rosendo Mateu 
Parfum 100 ml 


This fragrance includes a fresh, sensual, powerful, and attractive note of oud oil. 


Stands out as the original smell of qualitative natural oud with some fresh and floral aspects that adapts perfectly to the skin.


The top notes of the fragrance are natural bergamot (from Calabria in Italy with bitter grapefruit) spicy notes like cardamom, saffron, and cinnamon bark. 


Continues with floral middle notes with white jasmine, natural Bulgarian rose, and powdery and creamy notes of natural Iris. Oud notes accord with sandalwood, cedarwood, patchouli leaves, amber, leather, cashmere, vanilla, and white musk. 


A very qualitative fragrance inspired and created to surprise all oud lovers. 


The fragrance is with a high concentration of 25% and created with carefully selected raw materials around the world. 



Italian Bergamot, Pamplemousses, Ceylan Cinnamon, Cardamom, Safran, Jasmin, Bulgarian Rose, Iris, Natural Oud, Guaiac Wood, Cedar Amber, Cedarwood, Santal Wood, Patchouli, Amber, Vanilla

FRESH OUD 100 ml | Rosendo Mateu

SKU: 8436018276366

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