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Etat Libre d'Orange 
Fat Electrician - Semi-Modern Vetiver 
Eau de Parfum 30 ml 
Spicy, Woody 
This is the curse of beauty — it doesn’t last. An unusual vetiver with a fresh/earthy approach. It emphasizes the resinous side of vetiver and makes it last with a sweet chestnut cream note. 
His beauty would have been his greatest asset. One imagines he was raised in the big air of Texas, his soft skin scrubbed by ears of wheat, his eyelashes curled by grappling with grace against a blinding sun. A Midnight Cowboy lost on city asphalt. 
A fisherman without a line, he was made to be hooked by others, to believe in his fate without knowing it, to wreak havoc and forget it over time. Youth for women-of-a-certain-age, stock for late-night parties, a partner to accompany the wealthy of Palm Beach on nature walks, his splendor is consumed in the service of others. Now, a Fat Electrician in New Jersey, his talent depleted in his sexual decline. This is the curse of beauty — it doesn’t last. 


Perfumer: Antoine Maisondieu 
Top notes 
Black Pepper, Elemi Rezin 
Heart notes 
Cedarwood, Vetiver 
Base notes 
Opoponax, Myrrh, Vanilla Orpur®

Fat Electrician 30 ml | Etat Libre d'Orange

SKU: 3760168591358
65,00€ Běžná cena
49,00€Cena po slevě

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