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Eau de Parfum 100 ml



Cavatina is music to the soul, a fragrant hymn to human compassion conducted with the spirit of “joie de vivre”. Starting with Pissara Umavijani's love for vintage muguet-centered scents, she composed new floral accords that ended updancing together in a melodious scent that became Cavatina. 


Olfactive Notes 

The opening

a symphony of sparkling, invigorating citrusy notes: Calabrian Bergamot, Chinese Litsea Cubeba, Paraguayan Petitgrain greets our exclusive, resolutely modern Muguet Accord. 


At the Heart, 

our very own Tea Rose Accord harmonically blends with fresh,  seductive floral touches: Egyptian Tuberose and Jasmine Grandiflorum, Indonesian Ylang-Ylang. 


The Base Notes

the airy muskiness of Indian Ambrette, the soft woodiness of Siamese Wood, and the deep sensuality of Madagascar Vanilla. 


Made in France

Cavatina 100 ml | DUSITA

SKU: 3770006489167
220,00 €Cena

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