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Les Parfums de Rosine 
Ballerina № 4 
Eau de Parfum 15 ml 


Dressed with white feathers, she is living near an enchanted lake and she is the ideal woman, desirable and untouchable. She is the absolute beauty. A bright and luminous fragrance, based on a white flowers accord. 
The Woman 
She is a desirable woman… both pure and innocent. The Rose The Ballerina rose bush, whose small flowers evoke a ballet of young dancers. 
The Perfume 
Created in 2018 by Delphine Lebeau, on a Marie-Hélène Rogeon idea. 
Olfactory family: Woody floral 
Top notes 
Bergamot, pink pepper, cardamom 
Heart notes 
Bulgarian rose Alba absolue, jasmin absolue, tuberose, peach, incense 
Base notes 
Sandalwood, Tolu balsam, moss, ambroxan 

Ballerina No. 4 15 ml | Les Parfums de Rosine

SKU: 3593410002957

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