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Astrophil and Stella 
Extrait de Parfum 50 ml 
From Stella’s fertile luminosity comes a lightning bolt which, crossing the atmosphere, plunges into a lake into which Astrophil has just dived. He picked up the astral fragment that preserved her glow and the transparency of the waters in which he admired her reflection. He breathed the honey-coloured gem, and the gem breathed with him: it was Stella’s heart, given to him as a sign of eternal love. 
An effervescent accord of citrus notes envelops an oriental heart of myrrh and elemi, nuanced by notes of ylang ylang flowers. The composition finale is a symphony of woods, enriched by notes of vanilla, cedar wood, patchouli and guaiac wood. 
Perfumer: Conceived in Milan by Luca Maffei 
Top notes 
Bergamot, orange blossom 
Heart notes 
Amber, elemi, opoponax, ylang ylang 
Base notes 
Cedarwood, guaiac wood, patchouly, sandalwood, vanilla 

Amberlievable 50 ml | Astrophil and Stella

SKU: 8055002150217

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