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Eau de Parfum 30 ml 
A mouth-watering, fruity, spicy, woody perfume. A journey to Africa's Capital of Cool 
Tropical mango, papaya, passion berries and hot peppers 
Mouth-watering, green and spicy 
Afro-Jazz energy. Vintage vinyl 
The sensual heat of the tropics 
Coffee and cocoa 
And the vibrant colours of West African waxed kente cloth 
Our Accra perfume opens with passion berry, eucalyptus, hot peppers, mango, papaya, davana, cognac, carrot seed. The heart of this perfume is composed around CO2 coffee extract, saffron, a cocoa accord, tobacco and styrax. And the dry-down is constructed with a leather skin accord, cedarwood, patchouli, vintage vinyl, smoky liatrix and musks. 
Bygone glamour, tropical sensuality, an enveloping heat … 
Tropical mango and papaya, passion berries, hot peppers, coffee & cocoa, tobacco, patchouli, leather 


For the creation of the Accra fragrance, founder Nick Steward worked with former colleague, indie perfumer Stéphanie Bakouche 
At the age of five Stéphanie proclaimed “When I grow up, I want to make perfumes!” That moment of childhood clarity would set her course in life. 
A graduate from the renowned ISIPCA school, she’s worked with companies like Takasago and Givaudan, for brands such as Cloon Keen, Jul et Mad, Masque Milano, Parfums MDCI and L’Artisan Parfumeur, where she worked with Nick in the Creative Studio. 
The history and culture of perfumery are close to Stéphanie’s heart and since 2013 she has been a curator of the Osmothèque, the repository of fragrances in Versailles. 
Based between Paris and Grasse, the home of her studio, Sensaba, where she produces in collaboration with Accords & Parfums (founded by Edmond Roudnitska.) 
Accra by GALLIVANT is compounded in Grasse, France and then hand-finished in England, in a genuinely artisanal, small-batch, human process. 


SKU: 5060505091458

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