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Rosendo Mateu

№ 3 Neroli - Iris - White Musk

Eau de Parfum 5  ml


Rosendo Mateu 3 stands out for its elegance, sensuality, and its intense feminine note when dressing the female skin. Yet, also marks an attractive male accent that is comfortable and elegant for a man to wear: a unisex perfume that is close to perfection.


Italian iris fragrance, with its top note of fresh citrus from Calabrian bergamot and neroli essential oil from Tunisia, is a noble and elegant scent worked with natural iris for its strong element of sophistication and value.


Sandalwood, vetiver, and the lingering tasty aspect of amber cashmere with tonka beans and vanilla give that touch of elegance and sensuality that will seduce the most demanding public.


The notes of this perfume refer to fresh citrus bergamot from Calabria, neroli essential oil from Tunisia, and the leathery iris from Italy. In this latest fragrance, the liveliness of the iris can be admired with also a focus on the fragrance’s value and quality.


The middle note is of the aforementioned leather-based iris, based on natural iris with Damascus rose and a delicious nuance from the fresh and transparent notes of jasmine flower.


The base note combines sandalwood, vetiver, and very persistent notes of amber cashmere with tonka beans and vanilla, plus white musk and transparent fixers.

No. 3 Miniature 5 ml | Rosendo Mateu

SKU: 8436018276441
€ 12,95Cena

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