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Rosendo Mateu 
Eau de Parfum 100 ml  
Oriental - Heritage - Tradition 


Olfactory Journeys Collection 
In 2010 Rosendo was named “Maître Parfumeur”, a nomination that certainly valorised his full dedication, commitment, and passion for perfumery. 
2010 is influenced by his travels to Thailand, Singapore, or the United Arab Emirates where he continued developing his passion for raw materials. 
The first notes will show something aromatic and floral as well as the appearance of woody hints. After a while there are bursts of spices, resins, and balsamic notes together with saffron as the main note that are defined as an intoxicating smell. 
A fragrance that releases its hidden treasures, sweet notes, musk and dry woods when fixed in the skin. 
Top notes 
Aromatic, Wood, Cedar, Floral 
Heart notes 
Spices, Resin, Balsamic, Saffron 
Base notes 
Musk, Dark Wood, Sweet 

2010 Oriental - Heritage - Tradition 100 ml | Rosendo Mateu

SKU: 8436603740180
220,00 €Cena

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