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Rosendo Mateu 
Eau de Parfum 100 ml  
Ozone - Mastery - Modernity 


Olfactory Journeys Collection
At the latest 80’s New York became the main centre of creative perfumery in the world. A place where Rosendo found the modernity which gave him the sense of individual power and freedom. 
1988 represents the self-confidence and the mastery, expressed in a marine fragrance. It is a delicate balance of citric and fresh top notes that give way to aquatic middle notes of ozone, sea water, marine salt and undertones of white musk, hint of spices and woody notes. 
The fragrance tonality mirrors the tranquillity of the ocean, a new vitality that invites us on a self-discovery journey. 
Top notes 
Citric, Fresh, Clean 
Heart notes 
Ozone, Marine, Woody, Salty 
Base notes 
Woody, Spices, White Musk 

1988 Ozone - Mastery - Modernity 100 ml | Rosendo Mateu

SKU: 8436603740203

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