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Rosendo Mateu 
Eau de Parfum 100 ml  


Floral - Origin - Natural 


Olfactory Journeys Collection 
Rosendo Mateu 1968 is inspired by the origins of the master, his awakening to the world of fragrances and perfumes, his studies in Grasse where he acquired the knowledge of the main natural ingredients used in perfumery. 
1968 is a fresh, floral, natural fragrance, based on the overwhelming fragrance of tuberose, sophisticated and sensuous. 
It is a clean green tuberose creation with rose, aromatic notes; and a base of vanilla, musk and woody notes which give the fragrance a delightful ending. 
Top notes 
Green, Fresh Floral, Clean 
Heart notes 
Spices, Aromatic, Tuberose, Rose 
Base notes 
Musk, Vanilla, Wood 

1968 Floral - Origin - Natural 100 ml | Rosendo Mateu

SKU: 8436603740197

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