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Rosendo Mateu 
№ 1 Bergamot - Tea Leaf - Sandalwood 
Eau de Parfum 5 ml 

The top note is inspired by the freshness of the Mediterranean, the feeling of fresh spring air that takes you to the beginning of summer: the sea breeze, with the characteristic landscapes of the coasts of Spain, Italy, Croatia and Greece. All complemented by aromatic aspects, May rosemary flowers, thyme, lavender and sage. The notes of citrus peel, such as bergamot from Calabria in southern Italy, lime from Spain or Sicilian green mandarin also play an important part. 

The middle note and the body, the heart of the fragrance, is based on soft white flower effects such as jasmine, muguet, bitter orange blossom or neroli. These are combined with spicy notes and stimulants such as green pepper, cardamom and especially the smell of the tea flower with its leaves which blend perfectly with bergamot and woody, smoky notes, giving the fragrance its lingering scent. 

The base notes have been worked with care not to neutralize on the skin, the freshness nor the character of its floral note, aromatic green tea. Sandalwood, Iris rhizomes and White Musk add the finishing touch to a fresh, dynamic and daring perfume.

No. 1 EdP 5 ml - Rosendo Mateu | RAFINAD Niche Parfémy E-Shop

SKU: 8436018276427

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