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Goldfield and Banks 

White Sandalwood 

Eau de Parfum 100 ml 


A sophisticated scent that is at once both exotic and richly enveloping. White sandalwood and amber provide a comforting base, while saffron, pepper and thyme cast an exotic dry heat, tempered by a heart of sweet powdery Turkish rose. Delightful, comforting and elegant. 


Concentration: Perfume 


All our perfumes have a concentration of + 20% essences and are tested under extreme humid weather conditions. 


Perfumer: François Merle-Baudoin 


Origin Sandalwood: Kununurra - Western Australia 


Olfactory Description 

Woody - Spicy - Ambery - Herbal 



Australian White Sandalwood, Thyme Morocco, Amber, Rose Turkey, Pepper Comoros Islands, Saffron Spain 


White Sandalwood is cruelty-free, vegan, and is created following the stringent health guidelines set by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA 49th Amendment). 

White Sandalwood 100 ml | Goldfield and Banks

SKU: 9369999068226

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