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Les Indémodables


Extrait Absolu 10 ml


A new nomadic and highly concentrated perfume for a more intimate fragrance experience.


The brand's first creation in augmented reality. Valérie Pulvérail, the founder of the brand, tells us that this experience was adapted to perfumery, applying it to an ingredient with a complex olfactory spectrum: vanilla. Its nuances of rum, dried fruits, cocoa, as well as ambery, leathery, and cigar facets take us on a true olfactory journey for those who have had the chance to immerse their noses in a bundle of gourmet quality pods!"


Antoine LIE embraced the challenge without ever resorting to the easy route of gourmand notes: each facet emerges, in juxtaposition, overlay, and, much like in a 3D video, the viewer is swept away in a whirlwind of powerful sensations and evocations. The contrasts are expertly managed, the pairings meticulously balanced, making this experience a true olfactory odyssey. Since then, numerous videos have borne witness to the success of this fragrance, with a trail that certainly doesn't go unnoticed..."


Olfactory experience:

On the skin, it reveals a more creamy, powdery olfactive profile, emphasizing the overdose of vanilla absolute, vanilla infusion, and the ultrasonic cocoa extract. While keeping the essence of the initial fragrance, this version unveils its own personality.


We are thrilled to introduce our latest olfactory gem: the ‘Vanille Havane’ Roll-On in a 10 ml format, an unprecedented sensory experience that encompasses the richness and elegance of our bestseller.


‘We have chosen to reinvent it in a more convenient format, in a 40% dosage (versus 20% for the EDP) and an alcohol-free formula.


Why the Roll-On?


Nomadic and Discrete

This format is perfect for slipping into your handbag, pocket, or carry-on luggage. No matter your destination, your roll-on will accompany you.


Precise Application

The roll-on ball allows for precise and waste-free application. You have better control over the application area and the amount of perfume used.


Non-Greasy Feel

The formula, based on a natural and Cosmos-certified dry oil, ensures a non-greasy finish and quick absorption. This alcohol-free formulation enhances the olfactory impact through the warmth of the skin.

VANILLE HAVANE Extrait 10 ml | Les Indemodables

SKU: 3770006108587

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