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Terrasse à St-Germain

Extrait de Parfum 50 ml


A perfume as elegant as sophisticated. The composition amazes by the complexity of the splendid wood and musk accord, which gracefully embraces its initial freshness. This perfume incarnates the portrait of a perfect duality: classical and modern at the same time, masculine and feminine, strangely familiar but, nevertheless, of a rare originality… A veritable “coup de foudre” between two souls on the terrace of a Parisian café…


The perfumes are made in France.


Accord: Woody Floral Musky


Parfumeur: Dorothée Piot


Created in accordance with the luxurious image and high standards of JUL ET MAD Paris, this new offer was conceived to respond to an important demand for a simplified version of your favorite fragrances, for everyday use.

The same magnificent heavyweight luxury flacon with front platinum lettering, sand-polished back decoration and crowned by our signature silver zamak cap engraved with the brand’s symbol is now also presented in a luxurious, custom-made « soft-touch » case in « cloche » design, stylishly and elegantly adorned with silver decoration and engravings.


Top notes
Grapefruit, Tangerine, Rhubarbe
Heart notes
Freesia, Lotus Flower, Blue Rose
Base notes
Musk, Sandalwood, Indonesian Patchouli

Terasse a St-Germain 50 ml | JUL ET MAD

SKU: 3700748602449
165,00 €Cena

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