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Etat Libre d'Orange 
La Fin du Monde 
Eau de Parfum 100 ml 
Powdery, Woody 
Where can we experience the end of the world? At the movies! So how does it smell? Like popcorn, of course!This is a close-to-the-skin fragrance, with an almost powdery base. 

Okay, we know what you’re thinking. 
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Apocalyptic visions, Armageddon. Doomsday cults, mass suicides. The Mayan calendar. We endured the panic of the Millennium. We’ve seen the films, from “Dr. Strangelove” to “Melancholia”. We know the New Testament prophecies, we’ve heard about the End Times and the Rapture. But one question remains: how will it smell? 


Perfumer: Quentin Bisch 


Top notes 
Popcorn, Black Pepper, Roasted Sesame 
Heart notes 
Freesia, Cumin Seed, Iris Absolute 
Base notes 
Gunpowder Accord, Ambrette Seeds, Sandalwood

La Fin du Monde 100 ml | Etat Libre d'Orange

SKU: 3760168591150
150,00€ Běžná cena
99,00€Cena po slevě

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